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Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13.8


The Apostolic Prophetic Bible Ministry - TV series - No.38 / Ewald Frank

Language: english

Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

I greet you in the precious Name of Jesus Christ our LORD from the Mission Center in Krefeld – Germany. My name is known. I’m Brother Frank. And we call our ministry: “Apostolic Prophetic Bible Teaching Ministry”. We just go from scripture to scripture, from the Old to the New Testament, from the gospels to the book of Acts and then on to the epistles right to the last part – the twenty two chapters of Revelation – showing and preaching the whole counsel of God - understanding that the time of grace has a beginning and the time of grace will have an end.

If you go to the day of Pentecost the apostle Peter very clearly stated when the Holy Spirit was poured out: This is the promise God made thru the prophet Joel in the Old Testament saying: “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” If you go to Hebrews chapter 1, verse 1 – there we are told that “God in past times has spoken to the fathers by the prophets but in these last days He spoke unto us by His Son.” So we understand that the last days began at the time when the New Testament came into force, when the Church was established after the price of our redemption was paid – the blood of the lamb of God was shed – His life was given for the redemption of our soul, for the forgiveness of our sins. And then we understand that as Christ rose from the dead, He had conquered death and hell and Satan and said: “I live and ye shall live also”. And by the same power of God, which was manifested in the resurrection we are born again by the same Spirit, by the same Word, by the same power of God entering the kingdom of God by the new birth.

Then of course according to the Scripture we are placed as members into the body of Christ where Christ is the head. We can read it in many places. I Corinthians chapter 12, beginning with verse 12: “By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body”. And the LORD of glory has placed different ministries into the New Testament Church. Even our LORD in His day made the statement that if He sends somebody that if we hear him we would hear the LORD himself. Luke chapter 10, verse 16: “He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me”. Beloved, this is a Word from the lips of our LORD who could say (John 20:21): “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” He was born into this world for one purpose to redeem us, to bring us back into our original relationship with our heavenly Father. In the Son, God as Father established this relationship. We see the first Adam and we see the second Adam. The second Adam is the LORD of glory who left His glory and came to us to be born in a manger in Bethlehem. The Son was not born in eternity in heaven somehow and somewhere. HE was announced, He was promised throughout the Old Testament and He was born at the beginning of the New Testament for one great purpose that all of God’s children are restored back into their proper relationship with their heavenly Father. Therefore the Son of Man could pray: “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy Name”. We are included. Christ the Son of God, the firstborn, the firstborn of many brethren. Beloved, this is not theology; this is nothing to debate about. This is reality. We are reconciled with God; as the scripture says in II Corinthians chapter 5(vers19): “God was in Christ reconciling the world with Himself.”

Now, beloved friends, brothers and sisters we have to come to the main points, which are: Firstly we do speak about the Return of Christ. We do speak about the fulfilment of Bible prophesies in our time. We do speak about the calling out of the true bride church. And we do speak about our preparation right until the moment when the sealing by the Holy Spirit takes place according to Ephesians chapter 1, verse 13 and according to Ephesians chapter 4, verse 30. The sealing takes place after we received the Word of truth. Beloved, we must understand and more than that; we must experience everything God has provided for us thru Jesus Christ our LORD.

Coming back to what we said in the beginning, that in the last days God would pour out His Spirit, because in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son. So, two thousand years have come and gone which are known as the last days but now we are reaching the end of the last days and only one more day according to the Scripture is going to be left over; only one more day. And this one more day is called the last day. I just wish to read from Luke chapter 9, verse 27: “But I tell you of a truth, there are some standing here who shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.”

Beloved, there are many expressions, statements in the Old and New Testament, which are easily misunderstood, unless we take these statements to other scriptures to put them where they actually belong. Our LORD said: “Many of those who are standing here shall not see death until they’ve seen the kingdom of God come.” If you go to Matthew 3, John the Baptist preached: “The kingdom of God is near”. If you go to Matthew 4 our LORD preached: “The kingdom of heaven is near”. If you go to Luke 16:16: “The law and the prophets were until John; from that time the kingdom of God was being preached.”

Beloved, on the day of Pentecost the kingdom of God was established on earth; hundred and twenty were gathered; the New Testament Church came into being – a living organism of the living God. Before it was God with us – Emmanuel in Christ. Since the day of Pentecost it is God in us – Christ in us, the hope of glory.

Now, we must understand from the scriptures the time we are living in. If we go to John chapter 5, there we are told by our LORD about the resurrection. And the things are not yet put into a teaching way but just a statement. And I’m going to read it. It’s John chapter 5, verse 29: “And shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” Here we don’t have the space of the millennial reign already spoken of between the two resurrections. We are only told about the resurrection of life and about the resurrection of damnation. And then if we just go into the next chapter, John chapter 6, we shall read in John chapter 6 from verse 39: “And this is the Father’s will who has sent me, that of all he has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.” Before, we spoke about the last days; now our LORD speaks about the last day as the day of resurrection. Also in verse 40: “And this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone who sees the Son and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I shall raise him up at the last day.” You can continue to read the same chapter and a few times you will find again like in verse 44 and again verse 54 the term: “And I will raise him up at the last day”. If you go to Revelation chapter 20 we are told about the first resurrection and then of course also about the second resurrection. In Revelation chapter 20 we read in verse 5: “And the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.” So, the first resurrection takes place at the very beginning of the last day and the last resurrection, the second resurrection for the white throne judgement takes place at the end of the last day. It says again in verse 6: “Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” So, it’s very very plain in the Holy Scriptures and we see the divine order how things are placed within God’s wonderful plan of salvation.

Now coming to the point, having touched on the term: ”The last day”, the day of resurrection, the day when the judgements will come, the day when God will bring people to give an account. Now we must understand that before this last day will be God was to send a prophetic ministry. And beloved friends, brothers and sisters: I could just go all over the earth and preach a general gospel leaving out these important things and then of course I would be called a deceiver on the day of judgement and would not hear the words: “Come my servant, well done.” We have to acknowledge that with the preaching of the everlasting gospel to all nations, every promise God made in His Word must be included: About the restoration, about the calling out, about our preparation to meet the LORD when He comes. And of course for such a ministry you need a call, you need a commission. You cannot just come and say: “Good morning LORD, I wish to serve You and I’m going to do this and I’m going to do that.” No, beloved from the beginning of time God called and God gave instructions, He gave a commission to each of His servants in the Old and also in the New Testament.

Then if you go to the four Gospels about the ministry of John the Baptist: How he came, how he ministered and how the LORD blessed him. And those who were actually meant to receive his ministry went out to see him. I like to read in Luke 7, Luke chapter 7; from verse 19 our LORD speaks about John the Baptist and his ministry and in verse 25 He is asking: “But what went ye out to see? A man clothed in soft raiment?” And then in verse 26: “But what went ye out to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.” And why much more than one of the prophets? Who prophesied about the coming of the Messiah, who prophesied about the day of salvation, who prophesied about the grace that would be upon us. Then in verse 27: “This is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee.” The ministry of John the Baptist in this regard was greater than the ministry of all the prophets because he did not prophecy: the Messiah will come, he could raise his hand and he could say: “Behold, the lamb of God which carries away the sins of the world.” But I want you to especially realise what our LORD confirmed in verse 27, namely Malachi chapter 3, verse 1: “This is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face.” You can also check it with Matthew chapter 11 but what I’m going to read now is Matthew 17, Matthew chapter 17 about the promise that God would send a prophet, a prophet like Eliah before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes. John the Baptist had his ministry in his day, the scripture pertaining to him was fulfilled, but now I’m interested to know what scripture is being fulfilled before the Return of Christ and before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes. And beloved, if our LORD would not have repeated this promise from Malachi 4, I would not speak about it at all. It says here in Matthew 17, verse 10 and 11: “And his disciples asked him, saying, why then say the scribes that Eliah must first come?” Beloved! Moses was there and Eliah was there on the mountain. They did not ask about Moses and anybody who knows the scriptures know that whether it’s in Zechariah chapter 4 or Revelation 11, the Bible speaks about two prophets coming to the Jews prophesying in the holy city for three and a half years. But of course to the Jews. But here we are dealing with the promise to the Gentiles and only of one prophet the scripture speaks and our LORD confirms in verse 11: “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Eliah truly shall first come, and restore all things”. John came to prepare, always prepare, prepare, but now all things must be restored. And beloved, to make it short: William Branham was a man sent from God. Please don’t object. Please don’t stumble. If I would only know what God did two thousand years ago or since, if I would not know what God is doing now according to His Word I should not even be talking to you! But as John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ William Branham received a direct audible commission that his message would forerun the second coming of Christ. Beloved, if I tell you today that I, Brother Frank have received a direct commission and my ministry, the teaching prophetic ministry is connected directly to Brother Branham’s ministry. Not to the many groups who refer to William Branham and have their own teachings. No and again no! My ministry is not connected to any of these groups. My ministry is connected to God and the revealed Word of God for this hour and as I received a direct call I have to be truthful. All the Bible doctrines about the Godhead, about the water baptism, about the Spirit baptism, about the LORD’s supper, all of God’s ordinances, all of the teachings, all of the practises must be restored to where and how they have been in the days of the apostles. Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega. Now the full restoration of all things must take place and according to Acts chapter 3 from verse 17 to 21 Jesus Christ waits and remains in heaven until the times of restoration of all things have come. This is the time; this is God’s time for God’s people. May all who have an ear to hear, may they hear what the Spirit thru the Word is saying to us. God Bless you and be with you in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.