Circular letter 12/2003
/ Ewald Frank
Język: angielski
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1. Circular letter
Special greetings to all who are part of the Church of Jesus Christ world- wide in all countries and languages with 2.Peter 3:9,
“The LORD is not slack concerning his promise,as some men count slackness …”
Two thousand years have come and gone since our LORD made the prom- ise to go away and to prepare a place and return to take us home.Since then all true believers have waited for this great event to happen.God,the Eternal One,has a time plan by which all things take place.To the casual observer it may seem as though things remain as they were,but upon tak- ing a closer look we understand more than ever before that we are nearing the end of the end-time.We are watching Bible prophecies in every realm, seeing them fulfilled,and therefore are remembering the words of our LORD, “And when these things begin to come to pass,then look up,and lift up your heads;for your redemption draweth nigh.”(Lk.21:28;Mt.24:33).It could happen at any moment.The midnight cry is reaching the ends of the earth. “Behold,the bridegroom cometh;go ye out to meet him.” (Mt.25).
The everlasting Gospel is being preached as a witness to all nations as foretold,only thereafter the end would be (Mt.24:14;Rev.14:6).In connec- tion with that,the calling out,the preparation and the completion of the Bride church is taking place (2.Cor.6:14-18;a.o.).According to 1.Thess. 4:13-18,the LORD Jesus Himself will descend with the Shout,with the Voice of the archangel and with the Trumpet of God in the same way He went to Glory (Acts 1:11).Then we shall meet Him in the air and be for ever with Him (1.Thess.4:13-18).We shall see Him as He is and will be transformed into His image (1.Jn.3:1-3).
Among the many signs of the time we look especially to Israel,the fig tree (Hos.9:10),which has come to life again and already bears fruit (Mt. 24;Lk.21).From 143 countries the Jews returned to the Land of their forefathers (Ezek.36:24).There are people in Jerusalem who indeed ex- pect the Messiah and also those who believe the Temple will be rebuilt (Rev.11:1).We are also seeing the revival of the “Roman World Empire ” in the form of the European Union,as the prophet Daniel foretold in chapter 2:40-43 and in chapter 7:17-25.With the unification of the churches and world religions under Roman predominance, the goal of world governmentis almost within reach.Rome,the “eternal ” city,,as it is called,takes the spiritual reins of power visibly into her hands while directing the worldly powers.In the prophetic Scripture we have the all-inclusive and fitting answer for it.It “… is that great city,,which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” (Rev.17:18).
In the past 25 years of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II,the Vatican has established diplomatic relations with 82 countries.The 102 state visits he made have paid off.Everywhere he goes,the Pope kisses “Mother Earth ” in order to plant “Mother Church ”,so that eventually he can rule as “Over- lord — Pontifex Maximus ” over all..Altogether,the Vatican State has ex- changed ambassadors with 174 countries.The Vatican is present wher- ever world politics are made — at the UN in New York,,at the EU in Brus- sels.“Europe,think about your Christian-catholic roots!” is the message addressed with view of the European Union.There are different cultures on earth,but only one real “leading culture ”.To get everyone on board,the Vatican has found a new word for the Jewish,the Christian,and the Mus- lim religion — “the Abrahamaic religions ”.These end-time developments with special focus on the “Middle East ” are known as “peace process ”.This can be seen by all who have Bible knowledge (1.Thess.5:1-3).
Our main task,of course,is to show forth the things that apply to the church of Jesus Christ,as special promises were given to her.Only the true Bible believers will recognise the timely,all-inclusive events,for they have inside knowledge by believing the message of the hour.They receive the promised Word-seed,are born again to a living hope (1.Pet.1:20-25) and constitute the Church of the Firstborn (Heb.12:22-24).
Jesus Christ,the Son of God,is the Head of His Body — the Church (Col.1:18-21).HE is the Firstborn among many brethren (Rom.8:29).HE was the promised seed (Gen.3:15)Who came and bruised the serpent ’s head.HE was the Word Himself that was made flesh and dwelled among us (Jn.1).To His Own He gave the promise,“… the world seeth me no more;; but ye see me … ” (Jn.14:19);“… I am with you always,,even unto the end of the world.” (Mt.28:20).After His resurrection,the LORD revealed Himself only to His Own,not a single time did unbelievers see Him after He rose (Lk.24;1.Cor.15;a.o.)Unbelief condemns people who remain separated from God,belief saves them in the Presence of God.True children of God are also the children of promise (Rom.9:8),as the Redeemer,the Son,was the promised Saviour (Isa.9:5-6).
The concern now is the orientation according to the plan of salvation on the basis of the Holy Scriptures.In the first Christian century the Apostle Paul was given the charge to lay out the course of the events.In regards to Israel,the Old Testament covenant people,he writes,“What then?Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for;but the election hath obtained it,and the rest were blinded.” (Rom.11:7).That is the way it was then with God ’s people:Whosoever believed reached the goal,and whoever did not believe was blinded.Thus it remains,right to the end of the New Testa- ment era.Therefore the admonition is given,“Today if ye will hear his voice,harden not your hearts …!” (Heb.3:7-19).
So no one is left without warning,let it be stated here again:All the believers in the various churches,regardless of what they stand for,teach, or practise,are more or less satisfied with themselves.Solemn services with rich programs are found everywhere.But most of them are bypassing what God has promised to do in the completion of His plan,as the orthodox Jews did then.In the ceremonious charismatic meetings millions of people are led to bypass what God is presently doing.